6 Most Inspirational Movies and Redemption Like The Blind to watch

Andrew Hyatt’s The Blind gives an insight into the life of the famous reality TV family, the Robertsons, who gained recognition with Duck Dynasty. Aron von Andrian plays the main role of Phil Robertson, a duck hunter who later builds a successful business. Amelia Eve plays his supportive wife Kay, while Connor Tillman plays the role of Big Al, who is responsible for putting Phil in touch with his many addictions. Essentially, it captures Phil’s journey from a violent addict to someone who accepted Jesus with the help and support of his wife and sister.

Set in 1960s Louisiana, this story is about the importance of family, learning to forgive, and the difficulties Phil faces on the path to ultimate redemption and salvation. We all want to see such touching stories that in some way bring us hope. If you are also looking for something inspiring, here is a list of films that are sure to appeal to your emotional side. You can watch most of these blind-like movies on Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime.

1. The Dreamseller (2016)

The Dreamseller (2016)

The Brazilian drama film about hope, originally titled The seller of Dreams, revolves around J3lio C1sar, a depressed psychologist (Dan Stulbach), and the man he meets on the street, Mellon (C3sar Troncoso). The latter is also the dream salesman of the dream salesman, who prevents Mr. J3lio C0sar from taking his own life and impresses not only him, but also the world, by the way he approaches things and his perception of appreciating the little things in life.

He just wants to help people understand the value of love. The 2016 film by Jayme Monjardim and Luca Bueno is based on the bestseller of the same name by Augusto Curys. While Robertson is blindly saved by Jesus to help him live a better life, Mellon comes to J3lio and the world as a savior to help them understand the value of relationships over the need to achieve prosperity. Both films deal with the themes of second chance and the ability to redeem oneself.

2. Forgiven (2016)

Forgiven (2016)

The themes of salvation and forgiveness are explored in detail in this thriller-drama, in which a pastor and his two daughters are held hostage in a church by a man who seems to be beyond salvation. Jenn Gotzon, when Elizabeth is forgiven in, does her best to help James, played by Casey Fuller, to save himself from his sins. James accidentally shoots his girlfriend and holds the family hostage in a church to escape the police outside, while Elizabeth takes it upon herself to help him with the Bible. Just as Kay plays an important role in blindly forgiving her husband, Elizabeth acts as an anchor for James in this film to help him finally make the right choice in this difficult situation.

3. Purgatory (1999)

Purgatory (1999)

Starring Eric Roberts and Sam Shepard, Purgatory, as the name suggests, explores the personal journey of outlaws in search of self-discovery and salvation. This Western fantasy film takes the outlaws in a strange way to a mysterious city, where the locals remind them of their past selves and their characteristics and lost innocence. Realizing that they are trapped in purgatory, it is necessary to make decisions about how they want to change their ways to salvation. Similar to the Blind, this film highlights that even the most sinful and seemingly doomed people can have hope and gain forgiveness for their sins if they decide to change their ways and seek a brighter path.

4. Father Stu (2022)

Father Stu (2022)

In and as father Stu, Mark Wahlberg brings to life the true story of a lost soul who struggles to find her way after an injury that ends his boxing career. Stuart Long is also an agnostic who falls in love with a Christian woman and wants to impress her. But only after a near-fatal bicycle accident does his real life begin, in which he wants to become a priest and help others to get the second chance he had from God.

Similar to Phil in the blind, this former sinner has the opportunity for salvation by accepting his mistakes and yielding to faith. Just as Phil is saved from a path of final destruction by his faith in Jesus, Long abandons his old self-destructive habits in Father Stu in order to transform into someone who wants to help himself and others.

5. Jesus Revolution (2023)

Jesus Revolution (2023)

An open film about the widespread spiritual awakening in the early 1970s, Jesus Revolution questions the traditional concept of faith and how the world can become a better place with more acceptance for people who seem to be different from us. And when hippie preacher Lonnie Frisbee convinces Pastor Chuck Smith (Kelsey Grammer) to welcome like-minded young people to his church, some changes happen that people don’t seem to understand. This feel-good story about acceptance fits in with the message about forgiveness and salvation presented in the Blind, where everyone deserves a second chance and a place in God’s church.

6. Wayward: The Prodigal Son (2014)

Wayward: The Prodigal Son (2014)

This Landon Henneman star follows the story of a spoiled and rebellious Tyler McMillan, who is used to getting what he wants in life. Not realizing that his loving and supportive father is dying of cancer, Tyler gets access to his entire inheritance and spends it, and even gets into trouble with some dangerous people. His father wants only the best for him, but he also knows how important it is for Tyler to check the reality himself. Tyler eventually goes through hell, but just like the blind man, his family knows that he is not beyond salvation and will eventually find his way. Both films discuss faith and support the needs of a lost soul from her family.

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