Immerse yourself in the world of specialized skin care for facial eczema with Cuca Miquel, CEO of ‘Todo en Belleza’. The beauty expert explains what it is, why it occurs and tips for treating this pathology.
One of the most common skin diseases is eczema or dermatitis, which can occur anywhere on the face, especially on the cheeks, around the eyes, between the eyebrows, near the nose and neck. It affects the face more than the body due to the greater number of sebaceous glands.
This pathology is chronic and recurrent, causes irritation in the area, dryness, the presence of white scales and redness, and when it affects the body, it appears in the form of scaly and very red spots. In my cosmetic cabinet, I have already talked to you about how to prevent and treat skin imperfections and about foods that improve the skin . Today I want to talk with you about what facial eczema is and what care it requires.
Atopic: this chronic disease occurs in the early stages of life. It occurs more often in cesarean-born babies due to the absence of a microbiota in the birth canal, and is aggravated by bathing babies with soaps. It is characterized by red and whitish spots with itchy scales on the flexor areas of the arms and legs.
Contact dermatitis: it is caused by contact with certain allergens such as dust, mites, pollen and some creams and soaps. This eczema is characterized by erythema and inflammation and stops when contact with irritants is stopped.
Seborrheic dermatitis: it is a condition that occurs in the most oily areas of the face, such as the midsection and eyebrows. Whitish spots with a waxy or oily appearance appear, which are due to the change in the microbiota and a fungus present on the skin.
In all cases, there is a genetic factor that can be exacerbated by environmental factors such as the climate and the dry and cold environment, as well as the exposure of the skin to sudden changes in temperature and, of course, stress, which is a very inflammatory element.
Eczema skin care focuses on the use of appropriate facial care products, according to needs and circumstances, respecting the microbiota and pH of the skin. Remember that skin with eczema usually has a higher pH than normal.
If you have eczema on your skin, get to work: reduce stress, eat nuts to ensure the supply of fatty acids, use creams that have been individually advised by a skin study, and enjoy healthy skin.
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