How to prepare a healthy breakfast for the family: use oatmeal and fruit

Nutrition experts constantly repeat that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. For this reason, it is important to choose the ideal foods so as not to spend the day with stomach problems or body weight .

If you did not know, by preparing a healthy breakfast for yourself, for your children and for the rest of the family, you can spend a quiet day full of serenity, energy and good body functions in general. It not only helps to maintain a proper weight, but also provides a lot of vitality.

“A breakfast is considered healthy if it avoids excess sugar, saturated fats and salt . “In addition, it must be varied and adapted to the individual needs of each person,” the information portal clarifies.

Healthy breakfast: foods that you can include

Teenagers, Moderna-adults and the elderly, for example, can eat fruit with oatmeal. “Cook oatmeal with milk or water. Add fresh fruits, nuts and a hint of cinnamon.”There is also the possibility of a green smoothie.

So: ” Combine spinach, a banana, almond milk, chia and some honey or stevia for sweetening. Beat to a homogeneous mixture to your taste. On the other hand, there is the consumption of eggs with avocado and whole grain toast.

As the portal suggests: “Roast a slice of wholemeal bread and brush it with avocado puree. You can add a poached or boiled egg for extra protein.

If you love dried fruits, nuts, berries and yogurt, it’s time for you to look for a bowl and make a breakfast out of it. “Mix natural yogurt (without added sugar) with fresh seasonal fruits, a handful of nuts or almonds and a tablespoon of seeds”, whether flaxseed or chia.


Excess fats and sugars should also be avoided by children. One of the alternatives to breakfast is wholemeal mini pancakes . “Prepare pancakes with wholemeal flour, milk and egg. Serve with fresh fruit ” and a juice if you prefer.

Read Also: How to prepare a healthy breakfast for the family: use oatmeal and fruit

“Peanut butter banana sandwich. Spread peanut butter on wholemeal bread and add banana slices, it gives the little ones energy and desire.

Milk should not be omitted. That’s why you can add milk to whole grains at your children’s breakfast. “Opt for muesli without added sugar and serve it with milk or yogurt. Add fresh fruit for extra flavor and nutrition.

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